Featured product "Yoshimasa Hoshiba's MINIMAL WARDROBE Channel" Episode 325
This is a special page for products introduced in the 325th episode of the MINIMAL WARDROBE channel , "Great for golf and everyday wear! K-3B's best-selling item is a stunning item you'll want to wear 24 hours a day!"
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Black 021_N 24HR-WEARABLE Minimal Jacket
Carbon Navy ■ 021_N 24HR-WEARABLE Minimal Jacket
Black ■ 107_N 24HR-WEARABLE Tapered Pants
Carbon Navy ■ 107_N 24HR-WEARABLE Tapered Pants
105_N 24HR-WEARABLE Jogger Pants
Black ■ 124_N 24HR-WEARABLE Military Jogger
Black ■ 330_K Washi thread long sleeve jacket T-shirt
Snow White ■ 330_K Washi Yarn Long Sleeve Jacket T-shirt